Photo studio for the art’s catalog

Courses in basic and advanced


(These are the topics of the courses offered, which may be reshaped according to the specificity of each different project, in which the course can be composed of several accademic years or semester where it coexist and interact with different specializations).

Photography and art documentation
Photography for the scientific catalogue of art

Photography course and documentation of art (I)

(For photographic training base, the theorical course is accompanied by hands-on labs)

Introduction to photographic documentation: photography and the work of art: the recovery analogic image acquisition, digital restoration.

    1 - The basics of photographic technique: from the camera to the construction of the studio.
    1.1 - Analogic and digital camera, the lens, the meter, the depth of field.
    1.2 - film color and bn, the emulsion, the photographic paper.
    1.3 - theory of light.
    1.4 - theory of color in photography and painting.
    1.5 - natural and artificial lighting, continuous light, flash light.
    1.6 - construction of the recovery set.
    1.7 - lighting set for painting, sculpture, objets d'art, installations ...

Course of photographic technique for scientific catalogue and the catalogue of Art (II)

(For advanced training, the theoretical course is accompanied by hands-on labs, with address to digital technologies to recovery for the work of art).

    2 - Introduction to Digital Photography:
    2.1 - shooting analog and digital capture.
    2.2 - shooting digital.
    2.3 - The image processing.
    2.4 - digital restoration.
    2.5 - the construction of a digital photo lab.

Course of photographic and digital filing and storage techniques for the scientific catalogue (III)

(For advanced training, the theoretic course is accompanied by practical hands-on lab) aimed at operators already formed in previous courses ready to be addressed to the use of machinery for the acquisition, aimed at the training of personnel to operate for the Protection of historical archives. This is a project that wants to create a group of specialists who can reproduce photographically and then catalogue in analogic and digital, firstly for Museum Archives and Funds.

    3. - The machines for the digital acquisition of sensitive data.
    3.1 - Cameras
    3.2 – Scanner
    3.3 – Hardware and Software
    3.4 – The digital archive
    3.5 – Storage of printed materials and media photosensitive in two centuries of chemical photography.
    3.5.1 – daguerreotypes, glass, paper sensitive ...
    3.5.2 – bn celluloid film format leica
    3.5.3 – shooting medium and large format
    3.5.2 – Kodachrome and Ektachrome film
    3.5.3 – b/w photo papers
    3.5.4 – color photo papers
    3.5.5 – technology media storage
    3.6 - Reproduction of documentary material in the process of deterioration, oxidation, disappeared (these are the films, prints and printed materials).
    This step is a prerequisite for any restoration, much slower, and allows immediate and tangible results to document the works that are going to disappear.
    3.7 - Diffusion and study of these materials reproduced, in the discretion of the institutions own, when this appears digitalized and accessible in the archives of source, for example it will be pos+ible, once you set the work of cataloging, produce archives presentations in projection within the institutions of Museums.
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